VAT Update – July 2012

VAT Update

As you are probably aware the Finance Bill 2012 was approved by MP’s on 3rd July 2012 and VAT on approved alterations will now be removed from the 1st October this year,  however there were three major alterations as a result of our efforts together with those of other organisations; i.e.:

1. Providing owners had applied for Listed Building Consent before 21st March this year zero rating will still apply for approved alterations (originally work had to have been started or a written contract in place before 21st March

2. Owners now have until 1st October 2015 to complete the work instead of 1st October this year.

3. The government have increased their grant scheme for repairs and alterations to places of worship by £30m stating it will provide 100% compensation to listed places of worship.

Ultimately we have to say our campaign was lost, but it is only a battle not the war and we have further options that we are following however before doing so another urgent issue has come to light which we shall need to fight on owners behalf.

Apparently the European Commission have told the UK Government that the reduced rate of VAT (5%) on the installation of energy saving materials contravenes the VAT Directive and must be amended within two months to avoid the possibility of proceedings against the UK in the European Court of Justice. Yet another VAT increase for us homeowners!!  This is very early days and we have only just heard this news, but we’ll come back to you as soon as we get more detailed information.

As the main part of our forward plans we have commissioned legal research into European / Human rights law to explore the possibility of financial help for owners of Listed Buildings. This will be a long and expensive battle but with your support we believe it can be won.

If you have any friends or neighbours who are not members of the Listed Property Owners Club, do persuade them to join via  These extra fees will then help provide funds to fight the cause.

Initially we want to hear from any owners who feel there has been an infringement of their human rights due to owning a listed building. There will be plenty of owners refused double glazing for example and this could be termed as an infringement of their rights but we need more. If you have a story to tell can you let us know.

Peter Anslow